Final pre-PCT update!

Well, apparently I have not been updating the blog for the past seven or eight weeks. Really, though, it hasn’t made that much difference, as I have been doing a terrible job of concentrating on my fitness over that time.

Instead of concentrating on hiking and keeping up my step count, I’ve been spending time doing things like retiring, getting my eyes upgraded with LASIK surgery, and going sailing. I think I’ll post a bit about sailing here… It’s kind of what I do.

Boat work

So I have managed to get most of the updates and upgrades done on the boat that I was hoping for.

  • My water system is installed – a flexible tank that will hold about 80 liters, and an electric on-demand pump to the galley sink.
  • I have also installed a holding tank for the head, with a Y-valve permitting gravity draining or pumping out via a deck cap. The tank is very well ventilated, and hopefully that will help keep any odors down.
  • I purchased a new tiny outboard for my dinghy – a Suzuki 2.5 hp unit that only weighs about 30 pounds (under 14 kg).
  • I had to make some changes to some of the cushions in the cabin. One of the seats at the dinette is a little smaller now, due to the new electrical connections cabinet, and the V-berth has shrunk a little due to the holding tank installation. I cut the foam away, and cut/stitched changes to the fabric covers.
  • The new solar panel is now mounted on a brand new handrail, installed at the back on the starboard side. The wiring has all been permanently installed as well.
  • I also managed to head up the mast and install a flag halyard to the starboard spreader. I then hoisted a radar reflector and am able to hoist a temporary anchor light until I can install one atop the mast.

An overnighter on a friend’s boat

A couple of weeks ago, I headed out with a friend on his Contessa 32. We intended to do three nights out, and the first day we sailed to Gibsons Landing, which took us about 5 hours. We spent the night at the dock of the Gibsons Landing Harbour Authority. Our intention was to continue to Montague Harbour the following day, then back up to Silva Bay for our final night, before returning to Vancouver’s False Creek.

Unfortunately, my friend Doug spent the whole night coughing, and was feeling pretty lousy by the time morning came. After some discussion, we decided to cut the trip short, and returned to Vancouver. Despite the short trip, the sailing was very pleasant!

First overnight trip on my boat – not

Last week, I intended to head out for two nights on my boat, making my first solo crossing of the Strait of Georgia. The plan was for a trip through Porlier Pass on Wednesday, and two nights in the Gulf Islands – Montague and Wallace Island, or some other spot.

Wednesday dawned sunny and rather chilly. The forecast had been for 10-15 knots out of the northwest. As I prepared the boat to depart, I listened to the latest forecast, which was now calling for 20-25 closer to Vancouver Island, settling to 15-20 knots later in the afternoon. With some trepidation, I set off down the river, to see how things looked.

As I rounded the bend at Garry Point, the wind was definitely coming up. I hoisted the main with a reef in it (only one reef on my wee sail) as I turned southwest-bound. The closer I got to Sandheads, the bigger the wind got. I looked at the breakers crashing on the breakwater, and decided that I was not up for a trip across the strait in those conditions. Not alone, and especially not considering my lack of experience.

Instead, I ended up sailing back and forth a few times in the stretch between Garry Point and Sandheads, just south of the main shipping channel. I had the boat heeled over to between 30 and 35 degrees a few times, which was quite exhilarating for me! Eventually, I doused the sails and began to motor back up the river toward my Ladner dock.

The ebb tide, combined with the roaring northwesterly wind, made for some very rough water right around Steveston. There were some standing waves that really kind of had my heart in my throat, but we (the boat and I) made it through! All in all, the day was a great experience, and I came out of it with a greater appreciation of what the boat can do.

First actual overnight trip on my boat

The forecast for Thursday and Friday was looking much more conducive to my beginner experience level, so I set off again. The plan this time was through Porlier Pass on Thursday, down to Montague, then return to Ladner on Friday via Active Pass if the gentle winds held.

Thursday it was quite pleasant as I headed down the river (taking advantage of about 2.5 knots of current) but I had to motor for a bit once past the Sandheads. There was a light wind out of the south, and my speed slowly increased from about 1 knot to 3 knots over the course of a couple of hours. I had a pleasant time frying up a couple of salmon burgers in the cockpit on my portable butane stove.

Pleasant weather and a tasty salmon burger on the way…

I had a couple of hours to kill in order to go through Porlier Pass at slack. As I approached the pass, there was a huge squall approaching from the other side of Galiano Island. The wind very quickly picked up, and with a few minutes, I was running northwest on a broad reach at 6 knots, being chased by the wind and rain coming through the pass.

Approaching Porlier Pass and seeing the rain squall coming at me from the other side. (I lost the hat in the ensuing battle with the foresail.)

After a while of battling the wind, I needed to turn back toward the pass in order to get through at slack. I fired up the motor, turned around, and fought the sails down and managed to eventually secure them. I then motored into the teeth of the wind until I finally passed through the worst of it shortly before Porlier Pass. The passage was then entirely uneventful.

Getting a few splashes in while motoring back toward Porlier Pass. Jib sheet managed to create a pretty knot on the lifeline.

I arrived in Montague Harbour, and picked up a mooring ball at the park without any drama. Took my dinghy (and new outboard!) to the dock and paid my fee. Had a nice dinner in the boat as it got dark.

Approaching Montague Harbour from the north.
A lovely evening in a field of mooring balls.
Cooking up some teriyaki noodles as the night set in.

In the morning, after a quick trip ashore, I set off in a very light rain shower toward Active Pass. The forecast was for light winds, increasing to 5-15 knots out of the southeast in the afternoon, so a trip through Active Pass should be uneventful.

Looking at Montague Harbour from the park dock. My boat is the closest one, the only one moored on a park mooring ball. Friday morning, with a little bit of low cloud lingering about.

Uneventful it was. I motored through Active Pass, with no other traffic visible anywhere until I was exiting the pass.

My view as I exited Active Pass. What a gorgeous day!

I put the sails up once I was through Active Pass, and turned off the motor. However, there wasn’t enough wind to prevent the sails from just flopping around, so I ended up motoring all the way across the strait.

Once in the river channel past Sandheads, it was a battle against the ebb tide to make any headway at all. At some points, I was down to 1.3 knots heading upriver. A bit of a southerly wind did come up as I entered Sea Reach, going past Westham Island, so I popped out the main sail and picked up an extra half knot or so for a bit. By that time, I was out of the main current of the river, and was slowly accelerating to a blistering 3.5 knots or so anyway.

I managed to get back to the dock just before low tide, which would have prevented me actually reaching my slip. Timing is everything.

Sailing is done…

… at least until I get back from my PCT adventure. Provided everything goes well, that shouldn’t be until at least the start of September. So it’s time to put the boat to bed for a long summer’s nap. And time to finalize my gear for the trail, and tie up any loose ends around home. A week from today, I fly to San Diego, and two days later I begin my journey.

It’s starting to get real!

A bit of a catch-up: Feb 11 – 24

Well, it’s been a little bit. Mostly been keeping up with my step goals, overall, but I had a terrible week the 12th through 18th. What really knocked that one down was a terrible migraine early in the week, with a day of under 2500 steps. Heartrate went a little wild for a couple of days as well, but things are improving again – the current week should be the highest step total in many months. I’m going to need to kick it all up a notch, with carrying a pack, and doing higher intensity exercise in the coming weeks.

On February 12, I spend the day helping out at the Vancouver Rowing Club Yachting Section’s “Polar Bear Races” in Vancouver. I was working on the race committee boat, doing the flag signals for the start of the races, and other unskilled labour. Basically, I did as I was told. The toughest job was hauling up the anchor, with 75 feet of chain, by hand. Serious grunt work. It was a very cool experience, though, and really neat to see how sailboat races start and finish (I wasn’t on a racing boat, so didn’t really see much of what happens in between!)

Now that’s a sail number…

The weather was cold and drizzly, but there was enough wind to make the racing worthwhile. I wore my new Gill sailing salopettes, which were excellent, and I’m looking forward to wearing my new (still hasn’t arrived yet) Helly Hansen Ægir Race sailing jacket (in Alert Red!) next time I help out.

I’m at a bit of an expensive period in my life right now; I’m still sorting out the final things I need for my Pacific Crest Trail hike this summer (gear, gear, gear) but I’m also kitting myself out for more sailing adventures, both before I leave for the PCT, and after I get back in late summer.

Hoping to haul out my boat for a week in early April to re-do the bottom paint, and perhaps a few other projects (put up a new antenna and light on top of the mast, as well as add a spinnaker halyard and replace the sheaves up top.) Maybe a bit of re-organizing the transom – removing the old VHF antenna, replace and upgrade the motor mount, and add a pole for the new solar panel. So many projects…

Oh, here’s an updated photo from last weeks post showing the gelcoated cover for the electrical panel:

A bit of sunlight messing with the photo, but there it is, with the latches on. Needs a bit of finalizing, and the channel for the wires coming out top left needs extending, but it’s coming along!

Anyway, here are my Fitbit numbers for the past couple of weeks:

Stats for 5 February – 11 February, 2023

  • Steps: 104562 (avg 14937) up less than 1% from last week
  • Calories burned: 22099 (avg 3157) up less than 1% from last week
  • Average resting heart rate: 53.4 (up from 51.6 the week before)

Stats for 12 February – 18 February, 2023

  • Steps: 85280 (avg 12183) down 18% from last week
  • Calories burned: 20341 (avg 2906) down 8% from last week
  • Average resting heart rate: 56.6 (up from 53.4 the week before)

Weekly Update – Feb 10, 2023

Yeah, a little late again…

Fitness goals are not coming along as quickly as I’d hoped. I am trying to lose a bit of weight, but that isn’t really happening yet. I’m definitely gaining muscle mass in the legs, though.

I didn’t climb the stairs very much last week, at work, but I am doing so more this week. I really miss the stair-flights-equivalent count in the new Fitbit Charge 5, but I’ve been doing in the range of 75-100 flights per day (750-1000 feet of gain).

Went to the boat show on Friday the 3rd, and learned some good info. Also saw some lovely boats. I joined the Bluewater Cruising Association, though I have no immediate plans for cruising. But planning to sail to Hawaii in 2024, I’m hoping to learn some good info!

I have been busy this week with working on a computer project at home, which is taking away from both hiking and boat time, but hope to be done with that soon.

One thing I am working on at the boat is a new cover for my electrical board behind the dinette. Here is a view toward the electrical panel. You can see that the wiring is currently a mess – Along with the table, it will be tidied up soon! The red arrows point to the new electrical board. The green arrows point at the electronics panel that I made. The yellow box outlines the cabinet I fabricated and glassed in.

And below is the new panel I’m making. 1/4″ marine plywood which will be sealed, and get a coat of glass and gelcoat. Will be held by a slot on the bottom, and two pull latches on the top. Then the dinette cushions can lean back against it!

Anyway, this week’s numbers follow:

Stats for 29 January – 4 February, 2023

  • Steps: 104350 (avg 14907) down 8% from last week
  • Calories burned: 22078 (avg 3154) down 1% from last week
  • Average resting heart rate: 51.6 (down from 54.1 the week before)

Weekly Update – Jan 31, 2023

Look, I’m early to the update party this week! I use numbers that are totaled every Sunday, covering the previous Sunday through Saturday. Recently I’ve not gotten around to it until mid-week or so. I’m going to try to update earlier in the week, so the numbers are fresher.

By the way, 87 days until I begin hiking the PCT…

I managed to up the steps a little bit over the past week, despite working a whole lot. The resting heartrate is down marginally as well.

What else to say? Boat-wise, I found out that I passed my Basic Coastal Navigation Course exam. The mark wasn’t as good as I’d hoped, but a pass is a pass. Boatwork is coming along well, and I’m hoping to get out for a sail on Thursday. Wind and weather look reasonable – low probability of rain, temps rising slightly to around 7°, and the wind should be out of the east to southeast at around 7-10 knots or so – at least in the morning. Should die down to around 5 knots mid-afternoon.

Also coming up this week – a trip to the Vancouver Boat Show on Friday. I’ll maybe post some pics on next week’s update – or sooner. Anyway, this weeks numbers:

Stats for 22 January – 28 January, 2023

  • Steps: 113289 (avg 16184) up 8% from last week
  • Calories burned: 22207 (avg 3172) up 1% from last week
  • Average resting heart rate: 54.1 (down from 55.9 the week before)

Weekly Update – Jan 26, 2023

Another week has gone by, and planning for the PCT is proceeding. I have now booked my flight down to San Diego, as well as a night at a hostel in town, and a shuttle to (and night at) CLEEF. And what is that? CLEEF is the Camp Lockett Event and Equestrian Facility. It is a non-profit corporation that provides event and equestrian facilities on a 167 acre property just outside of Campo, California. The important thing to PCT hikers is that the property is located about a half mile from the start point of the trail.

CLEEF offers inexpensive camping prior to beginning one’s hike, as well as a twice-daily shuttle from San Diego to the campground – including stops along the way at the San Diego REI (outdoors equipment store) and a grocery store. It is not cheap, but it is incredibly convenient!

I have been working on figuring out my pack contents for at least the first quarter of the trail, from the Mexican border to Kennedy Meadows South – a point 700 miles along the trail that is considered the start of the Sierras. So this will take me through the southern desert sections, as well as up a couple of tall mountains along the way (Mount Baden-Powell and Mount San Jacinto).

As I get my gear more finalized (Buy a new quilt? Take a tarp instead of a tent for this section? Am I really going to cold soak??) I will post my plans. For now, I’m excited about my new Montbell Versalite jacket, and trying out some new Injinji socks instead of my old reliable Darn Toughs…

I just realized that my passport will expire in late August, at which point I plan to still be a couple of weeks away from home. I’ve just printed up an application for a new one, so hopefully they aren’t as backlogged on renewals as they were a few months ago…

One more thing – I went in for a consultation on having my eyes laserized. I’m planning on having a Lasik procedure two days after my final day at work, a month before I fly down to San Diego! I look forward to not having to carry multiple pairs of glasses and/or contact lenses along with me.

In the meantime, it’s time to update my Fitbit stats from last week. Not pretty, but at least I’m keeping the steps up!

Stats for 15 January – 21 January, 2023

  • Steps: 105201 (avg 15029) up 0.1% from last week
  • Calories burned: 21901 (avg 3172) up 1% from last week
  • Average resting heart rate: 55.9 (up from 54.6 the week before)

Weekly Update – 99 days to PCT

Time to restart my weekly updates prior to hiking the PCT! I have 99 days until my permit date, so let’s start right now!!

I plan to update daily on Sunday (numbers run Sunday to Saturday), so I’ll update with those totals.

First off, I bought a new FitBit recently – the Charge 5. I love the unit, except for one major downgrade – it no longer has an altimeter in it, so it doesn’t measure floors (flights) any longer! Otherwise – great display, great ergonomics. But the downgrade in measuring fitness goals is a big disappointment.

Over the past 8 months, since Chester the dog got sick, my fitness goals have absolutely languished. I gained a lot of weight. My resting heartrate skyrocketed. My daily steps plummeted.

I am going to post some of the numbers (averages) from the last few months, just to try to track some changes over the last while…

Daily Averages in:StepsHeartrateCalories

So none of that is great. However, I’ve recently begun stepping it up a bit. Here’s this past week’s numbers:

Stats for 9 January – 15 January, 2023

  • Steps: 105134 (avg 15019) up 20% from last week
  • Calories burned: 22438 (avg 3205) up 6% from last week
  • Average resting heart rate: 54.6 (up from 53.7 the week before)

Finally Back

Well, it’s been almost 8 months since I last updated on here. A lot has happened in the meantime!

Last time I posted anything here, I was intending to get into better shape, because I was looking forward to backpacking the Pacific Crest Trail in 2023. When Chester the dog got sick, however, it threw a big spanner in the works… But here’s what’s happening now.

  • Chester is still doing well. He gets 500ml of subcutaneous fluids daily (or about 4 out of 5 days, really), which is a big commitment of time and effort for us, and for him. He continues to do chug along, though!
  • I got waaaay out of shape! With Chester in a very touch-and-go condition for a few months, not really knowing how his health would fare in the longer term, I kind of quit doing the serious mileage (treadmill/elliptical and hiking) I’d been doing in April.
  • I discovered a passion for sailing! I’ve been interested in learning to sail for quite some time, but have never gotten around to it. However, a friend (who recently bought a serious bluewater boat, capable of ocean crossings) asked whether I’d be interested in sailing to Hawaii with him at some point. The answer: extremely. Because of my Pacific Crest Trail aspirations for 2023, we penciled in 2024 as a date to cast off.
  • Then I bought a boat! Yep, before I even learned to sail… I’ve done a bunch of work on the boat (I’ll post elsewhere about that) and read and watched as much as I could about how to sail.
  • Then, I learned to sail! So then I actually started to learn to sail. I took a Basic Cruising course with Simply Sailing, on Granville Island. The course went well, and the sailing bug is well and truly established in my system.
  • But – I still want to hike the PCT! None of this sailing business negates the fact that I still want to backpack home from the Mexican border in 2023.
  • I failed to get a PCT permit! In November, the first 70% of PCT permits were allocated for 2023. My designated time to log in and select a permit date was 2:38 PM. Permits ran out at 2:32 PM. I missed out on a permit by 6 minutes.
  • But that’s OK, maybe I’ll just sail! There was another opportunity to get one of the remaining 30% of permits available, on January 10. But if I was, again, unsuccessful in obtaining a permit, well, that’s OK, I would just spend the whole summer sailing and getting comfortable on the water! I could sail on my own boat, as well as with my friend on the boat we plan to sail to Hawaii on!
  • But wait – I did get a permit! On January 10, I got a much earlier time for permit selection, and applied for a permit to begin my hike on April 27 at the US/Mexican border at Campo, California! The permit application was reviewed and approved, so it is official – I am hiking the PCT in 2023!
  • Which brings me to now… Yup, I have 99 days to prepare to hike 2650 miles!

So I’m about to start posting again, and hopefully will keep it up this time! Please stay tuned…

An Almost On-time Update

Another week has gone by, and I have been entirely on hold, as far as health and fitness goes. My goals are not even close to being met this past week.

The dog, however, is still around, so there is a goal that is being met, so far!

I won’t go into a lot of details about Chester, but he is home, he is bright and responsive, his appetite is getting better, and his kidney values in his blood tests are improving. He is not yet out of the woods, but he is hanging in there so far…

Again, I’m not sure I have the energy or enthusiasm to enter my totals for the past week. I’ll probably update those in next week’s update, a double like I did last week.

Signing off for now…

On-time Sunday Update – And Bad News

Well, another week has passed, and here it is Sunday night, and I’m updating on time. Wow!

So the bad news: I’ve had to cancel my trip to Scotland, which was supposed to begin tomorrow afternoon. The even worse news is that my little buddy Chester the wheaten terrier is still not in a good way. He is responding to treatment at the doggie hospital, but not as quickly or as strongly as we had hoped.

Right now the plan is to bring him home on Monday or Tuesday, depending on his blood creatinine values. We will do our best to improve his kidney health through medication and fluid therapy (we will be learning to give him subcutaneous injections of fluid solutions) and spoil him for as long as we can. It may be a week, or it may be months – no way of knowing for sure yet, but we think it will be at the shorter end of that range.

My derpy little buddy enjoying spring weather in 2017

One fortunate thing is that my planned Scotland vacation has me off work for almost three weeks, and if Chester makes it that long, I plan to spoil him and spend as much time with him as I can over that time.

Another fortunate thing: my airfare was fully refundable (thank you for that, at least, Covid).

Last week I did better than I expected with my fitness goals, considering that A) I was working a cycle of midnight shifts, and B) Chester ended up in the hospital. Both of those factors contributed mightily to an elevated resting heartrate!

Here are the details for the previous week:

Stats for 1 May – 7 May, 2022

  • Steps: 96394 (avg 13771) up 11% from last week
  • Floors: 328 (avg 68) up 26% from last week
  • Calories burned: 21754 (avg 3108) no change from last week
  • Average resting heart rate: 51.1 (down from 52.1 the week before)

And for this week:

Stats for 8 May – 14 May, 2022

  • Steps: 95284 (avg 13612) down 1% from last week
  • Floors: 252 (avg 36) down 23% from last week
  • Calories burned: 21905 (avg 3129) up 1% from last week
  • Average resting heart rate: 53.7 (up from 51.1 the week before)

Another Late Update

Here it is Friday again, and my weekly update was due on Sunday. Only three days until my trip to Scotland, but it looks like there is a chance I will cancel the trip.

Our eight year old dog, Chester, is not doing well. He has had kidney problems (protein-losing nephropathy – PLN) for a couple of years now, but his issues have taken a drastic turn for the worse. Over the last couple of weeks, he lost his appetite, and we had to keep tempting him with various foods to convince him to eat.

Two days ago, he stopped drinking. Yesterday we took him to the animal hospital, where he is on IV fluids. His latest blood tests show that his kidneys have mostly stopped functioning. We are not sure what has caused the sudden worsening of his condition.

It’s possible that Chester has only a few days to live. If that is the case, I will be canceling my trip to Scotland. Hopefully, he will recover from this, and go on to live a few more happy days, weeks, months… Who knows?

At the moment, I don’t feel up to writing about my exercise, my steps, my heartrate…

I’ll just finish this post with a photo of Chester from our walk on Tuesday.

Chester at Lily Point, Point Roberts WA
10 May 2022