A bit of a catch-up: Feb 11 – 24

Well, it’s been a little bit. Mostly been keeping up with my step goals, overall, but I had a terrible week the 12th through 18th. What really knocked that one down was a terrible migraine early in the week, with a day of under 2500 steps. Heartrate went a little wild for a couple of days as well, but things are improving again – the current week should be the highest step total in many months. I’m going to need to kick it all up a notch, with carrying a pack, and doing higher intensity exercise in the coming weeks.

On February 12, I spend the day helping out at the Vancouver Rowing Club Yachting Section’s “Polar Bear Races” in Vancouver. I was working on the race committee boat, doing the flag signals for the start of the races, and other unskilled labour. Basically, I did as I was told. The toughest job was hauling up the anchor, with 75 feet of chain, by hand. Serious grunt work. It was a very cool experience, though, and really neat to see how sailboat races start and finish (I wasn’t on a racing boat, so didn’t really see much of what happens in between!)

Now that’s a sail number…

The weather was cold and drizzly, but there was enough wind to make the racing worthwhile. I wore my new Gill sailing salopettes, which were excellent, and I’m looking forward to wearing my new (still hasn’t arrived yet) Helly Hansen Ægir Race sailing jacket (in Alert Red!) next time I help out.

I’m at a bit of an expensive period in my life right now; I’m still sorting out the final things I need for my Pacific Crest Trail hike this summer (gear, gear, gear) but I’m also kitting myself out for more sailing adventures, both before I leave for the PCT, and after I get back in late summer.

Hoping to haul out my boat for a week in early April to re-do the bottom paint, and perhaps a few other projects (put up a new antenna and light on top of the mast, as well as add a spinnaker halyard and replace the sheaves up top.) Maybe a bit of re-organizing the transom – removing the old VHF antenna, replace and upgrade the motor mount, and add a pole for the new solar panel. So many projects…

Oh, here’s an updated photo from last weeks post showing the gelcoated cover for the electrical panel:

A bit of sunlight messing with the photo, but there it is, with the latches on. Needs a bit of finalizing, and the channel for the wires coming out top left needs extending, but it’s coming along!

Anyway, here are my Fitbit numbers for the past couple of weeks:

Stats for 5 February – 11 February, 2023

  • Steps: 104562 (avg 14937) up less than 1% from last week
  • Calories burned: 22099 (avg 3157) up less than 1% from last week
  • Average resting heart rate: 53.4 (up from 51.6 the week before)

Stats for 12 February – 18 February, 2023

  • Steps: 85280 (avg 12183) down 18% from last week
  • Calories burned: 20341 (avg 2906) down 8% from last week
  • Average resting heart rate: 56.6 (up from 53.4 the week before)