A week that included hiking AND camping… (Update #5)

Another week has passed, and I’m keeping the movement going – the movement of steps across the ground, that is. Lots of steps, at work, and in the woods. Quite a few stairs climbed at work as well.

This week, I was off Thursday through Saturday. On Thursday I took the dog camping at Porteau Cove, along the road up to Squamish. The weather was nasty when we got there, but cleared up in late afternoon. While it was still raining, we drove into Squamish, and just took a short walk up to the base of Shannon Falls. The falls weren’t really raging, and the rain wasn’t really pouring, and the wind wasn’t really howling. It was a pleasant, short, walk.

Dog looking at the camera, with a waterfall partially obscured by foliage in the background.
Chester posing at a (partial) viewpoint of Shannon Falls.

We returned to Porteau Cove, and spent a while walking around the campground and park.

Dog on a wooden platform with railing, with a view across the water to a mountainous island
Chester checking out the view at Porteau Cove.

We had a pleasant fire, as the evening cooled off, and we were in the tent shortly after 8. It began to rain again a short while later, and continued to rain for most of the night. In the morning, however, it had cleared up again, and the rest of the day was very spring-like and almost warm.

After packing up, we headed back to North Vancouver, where we met up with a friend for a hike in between Lynn Valley and Seymour Valley, south of Rice Lake. Around 8 km or so, and a bit of up and down. The dog was tired by the end…

Dog standing the the bottom of some large wooden stairs climbing into the forest.
“More stairs???”

Yet another hike on Saturday, as well, with some members of the Swedish Cultural Society. Again, we started at the top of Lynn Valley Road, and hiked the Lynn Loop, via Cedar Mill Trail to the Third Debris Chute, then back down the Headwaters Trail, and on to Rice Lake for a little snack.

All in all, a good week of keeping the steps up, and upping the ante a little bit on elevation gained – flights climbed. My resting heart rate climbed a bit, mostly due to drinking too much on Wednesday night (an evening at the pub with my Swedish class!) and sleeping poorly that night, and while camping. My blood pressure has dropped a bit, as well, which is always a (genetic) concern for me.

Stats for 17 April – 23 April, 2022

  • Steps: 120075 (avg 17154) up 5% from last week
  • Floors: 547 (avg78) up 14% from last week
  • Calories burned: 24362 (avg 3480) up 3% from last week
  • Average resting heart rate: 51.9 (up from 49.7 the week before)

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