Weekly update number 2!

Well, it’s been a busy week of helping my in-laws move, but that is almost done. Hoping that I’ll actually be able to get away for a hike later in the week, on Tuesday or Thursday (I’m working on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and beyond.)

In the middle of last week I decided that it is important to get in my steps every day. So the goal, for the time being, is to manage 12,000 steps on at least 6 out of 7 days a week, burn 3000 calories or more a day, and to total 100,000 steps per week. I didn’t manage it last week, but I’ve got my hopes up for this week!

Today (Sunday) I watched a few videos on YouTube by “Old Man and the AT” – Mike Current (trail name: Energizer). Mike hiked the PCT in 2020, at the same age I’ll be when heading out there, and absolutely nailed it. His video on preparing mentally to hike the AT this year is just excellent. I also watched his video on physically preparing for the trail, but that one was a little tougher for me. A large part of it is that my bad left knee won’t let me do any running for cardio, but for that I plan to keep working up on my elliptical time, and steep hikes. I also don’t really have the time to hike for a few hours a day right now. I’ll just have to do as much as I can, and be persistent.

I’ve been sampling a few different PCT YouTubers this year, and having a hard time selecting what I’d like to keep watching. Shaky footage; way too much walking with wide-angle, vertigo inducing camera work; inconsistent sound volume levels; people who don’t seem all that serious, hiking 6-8 miles a day, day after day. I guess I’m pretty demanding, but I’m sure I’ll settle on a couple of accounts that will offer what I’m after…

Anyway, here is this week’s rundown of Fitbit stats for the past week:

Stats for 27 March – 2 April, 2022

  • Steps: 90196 (avg 12885)
  • Floors: 117 (avg 17)
  • Calories burned: 22329 (avg 3190)

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