Weekly Update – Feb 10, 2023

Yeah, a little late again…

Fitness goals are not coming along as quickly as I’d hoped. I am trying to lose a bit of weight, but that isn’t really happening yet. I’m definitely gaining muscle mass in the legs, though.

I didn’t climb the stairs very much last week, at work, but I am doing so more this week. I really miss the stair-flights-equivalent count in the new Fitbit Charge 5, but I’ve been doing in the range of 75-100 flights per day (750-1000 feet of gain).

Went to the boat show on Friday the 3rd, and learned some good info. Also saw some lovely boats. I joined the Bluewater Cruising Association, though I have no immediate plans for cruising. But planning to sail to Hawaii in 2024, I’m hoping to learn some good info!

I have been busy this week with working on a computer project at home, which is taking away from both hiking and boat time, but hope to be done with that soon.

One thing I am working on at the boat is a new cover for my electrical board behind the dinette. Here is a view toward the electrical panel. You can see that the wiring is currently a mess – Along with the table, it will be tidied up soon! The red arrows point to the new electrical board. The green arrows point at the electronics panel that I made. The yellow box outlines the cabinet I fabricated and glassed in.

And below is the new panel I’m making. 1/4″ marine plywood which will be sealed, and get a coat of glass and gelcoat. Will be held by a slot on the bottom, and two pull latches on the top. Then the dinette cushions can lean back against it!

Anyway, this week’s numbers follow:

Stats for 29 January – 4 February, 2023

  • Steps: 104350 (avg 14907) down 8% from last week
  • Calories burned: 22078 (avg 3154) down 1% from last week
  • Average resting heart rate: 51.6 (down from 54.1 the week before)

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