Weekly Update – Jan 31, 2023

Look, I’m early to the update party this week! I use numbers that are totaled every Sunday, covering the previous Sunday through Saturday. Recently I’ve not gotten around to it until mid-week or so. I’m going to try to update earlier in the week, so the numbers are fresher.

By the way, 87 days until I begin hiking the PCT…

I managed to up the steps a little bit over the past week, despite working a whole lot. The resting heartrate is down marginally as well.

What else to say? Boat-wise, I found out that I passed my Basic Coastal Navigation Course exam. The mark wasn’t as good as I’d hoped, but a pass is a pass. Boatwork is coming along well, and I’m hoping to get out for a sail on Thursday. Wind and weather look reasonable – low probability of rain, temps rising slightly to around 7°, and the wind should be out of the east to southeast at around 7-10 knots or so – at least in the morning. Should die down to around 5 knots mid-afternoon.

Also coming up this week – a trip to the Vancouver Boat Show on Friday. I’ll maybe post some pics on next week’s update – or sooner. Anyway, this weeks numbers:

Stats for 22 January – 28 January, 2023

  • Steps: 113289 (avg 16184) up 8% from last week
  • Calories burned: 22207 (avg 3172) up 1% from last week
  • Average resting heart rate: 54.1 (down from 55.9 the week before)

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