On-time Sunday Update – And Bad News

Well, another week has passed, and here it is Sunday night, and I’m updating on time. Wow!

So the bad news: I’ve had to cancel my trip to Scotland, which was supposed to begin tomorrow afternoon. The even worse news is that my little buddy Chester the wheaten terrier is still not in a good way. He is responding to treatment at the doggie hospital, but not as quickly or as strongly as we had hoped.

Right now the plan is to bring him home on Monday or Tuesday, depending on his blood creatinine values. We will do our best to improve his kidney health through medication and fluid therapy (we will be learning to give him subcutaneous injections of fluid solutions) and spoil him for as long as we can. It may be a week, or it may be months – no way of knowing for sure yet, but we think it will be at the shorter end of that range.

My derpy little buddy enjoying spring weather in 2017

One fortunate thing is that my planned Scotland vacation has me off work for almost three weeks, and if Chester makes it that long, I plan to spoil him and spend as much time with him as I can over that time.

Another fortunate thing: my airfare was fully refundable (thank you for that, at least, Covid).

Last week I did better than I expected with my fitness goals, considering that A) I was working a cycle of midnight shifts, and B) Chester ended up in the hospital. Both of those factors contributed mightily to an elevated resting heartrate!

Here are the details for the previous week:

Stats for 1 May – 7 May, 2022

  • Steps: 96394 (avg 13771) up 11% from last week
  • Floors: 328 (avg 68) up 26% from last week
  • Calories burned: 21754 (avg 3108) no change from last week
  • Average resting heart rate: 51.1 (down from 52.1 the week before)

And for this week:

Stats for 8 May – 14 May, 2022

  • Steps: 95284 (avg 13612) down 1% from last week
  • Floors: 252 (avg 36) down 23% from last week
  • Calories burned: 21905 (avg 3129) up 1% from last week
  • Average resting heart rate: 53.7 (up from 51.1 the week before)

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