Weekly update 3 – in which an actual hike was done!

Sunday and Monday were busy days, again, with helping the in-laws move. Both evenings, though, I made a serious effort to build up the steps on the treadmill. Keep in mind, I don’t really run on the thing; mostly just walk in the 3-3.5 mph range, with a 4-10% grade.

On Monday night, I revisited a concert video that a work friend told me about a couple years ago. In the late 80’s and early 90’s, I was a huge fan of the band The Pixies. This video was taken in 1991, the band’s heyday, at the Brixton Academy. The quality is excellent, and the music just gives me so much energy. I spend 40 minutes oscillating between a steady walk and frantic trot, depending on the tempo and energy of the songs. Many calories were burned, and a smile was etched on my furrowed, wrinkly gob.

Tuesday I took a trip out to North Vancouver and spend about 4 1/2 hours on the Baden-Powell Trail, hiking from Skyline Drive into Lynn Valley, around the Lynn Loop, and then back to Skyline. 18 km, 690 m elevation gain/loss, and 3.5 hours of fat burning and cardio time. Weather was cool, but pleasant, and the day ended up with over 28,000 steps. Nice!

On Thursday, I had my Swedish class, which takes place at the Scandinavian Cultural Centre in Burnaby. It is very close to Burnaby Lake, so I loaded about 20 pounds into my backpack, and headed out early to walk around the lake prior to class. The loop was 10 km, and took a little under two hours.

Overall, a good week. Here are the Fitbit stats for the week:

Stats for 3 April – 9 April, 2022

  • Steps: 120794 (avg 17256) up 33% from last week
  • Floors: 380 (avg 54) up 225% from last week
  • Calories burned: 24214 (avg 3459) up 8% from last week

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