Going to start regular updates!

So, with about one year until I (attempt to?) make the transition from a regular working Joe to a long distance hiker, I want to start logging regular updates here… I’ll try to do so every weekend. A bit about exercise, a bit about experiences, a bit about gear and planning.

This past week, I didn’t get as many steps in as I’d like to have, but some of them were pretty high quality. I went for a walk/hike with my friends Åsa and Karine at Mundy Park in Coquitlam, and managed about 16000 steps, on Sunday. On Tuesday, I spent about 3 hours walking on the Baden-Powell Trail with my dog Chester. Got 14000 steps in, and 142 floors.

I spent a lot of the week working, and getting in the range of 4-6000 steps a day. Today (Saturday) I was supposed to go for a hike with some folks from the Swedish Cultural Society, up in West Vancouver. However, I ended up agreeing to work a midnight shift on Friday night, so wasn’t up for a hike today. When I finally woke up, I did a lot of chores around the house, then spent 45 minutes on the treadmill (I only walk, on a steep incline) and elliptical trainer. Managed over 12000 steps today, while watching YouTube videos of people starting their PCT journeys this year, and some hill-walking videos from Scotland.

I’ve had some knee pain over the past month or two, but it is starting to ease off as I begin to do a little bit more exercise. Whether that’s because the knee it toughening up, or simply becoming numb to the pain, I’m not sure. I was quite worried for a while, both about my hiking this year (Scotland in 7 weeks!) and the thought of 2650 miles of hiking next year. But I’ll take it as it goes, and hope to keep things strong and stable throughout.

I’m updating this post a week later, because I’m going to be including my weekly Fitbit totals in this weekly updates. The totals will run from Sunday through Saturday. Here goes:

Stats for 20 March – 26 March, 2022

  • Steps: 66100
  • Flights: 250
  • Calories: 19590

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