Getting Outside Would Be Nice

Well, it’s been just over two weeks since I said that I need to try posting a little something here every week or so. How’s that working out so far? Unfortunately, there hasn’t been very much “outdoor life” going on, so that’s a part of the reason.

Weather has been terrible (there’s no bad weather, just bad clothing, I know…) and I think I’m still kind of getting over some surgery in December (but who needs a gall bladder, anyway?). Getting over, in the sense that I got kind of out of shape while recuperating, and I haven’t pushed myself to get it back yet.

So what have I been up to lately? Mostly, taking on the leave coordination for my fellow employees at work. I’ll be organizing our leave requests (for about 30 of us) for the upcoming fiscal year. We have also re-optimized our schedules at the company’s request, which has meant doing a lot of spreadsheet work (not part of my usual job!) and providing info to co-workers, then contacting everyone (in order of seniority) for their selections.

Does all that sound kind of boring? Yeah, maybe – but I’m kind of enjoying the challenge, and just doing something different. Unfortunately, it’s kept me inside and close to the computer this week.

Hoping for a good hike with the dog sometime tomorrow or Friday. Then I’m back to work on Saturday.

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