Early 2017

Sometime during the winter of 2016/2017, I was bitten by the thru-hiking bug. Like many others, I had seen that Reese Witherspoon movie, and thought it looked like a cool trip. But it was “Mile… Mile and a Half” that inspired me more.

The John Muir Trail looked utterly amazing, with kilometre after kilometre of endless views, and alpine conditions. And generally good weather to boot – as a BC west-coaster, that certainly held an attraction!

I looked at my employment leave situation, and – wonder of wonders – I could make it work! So I started preparing:

  • I applied for, and received, a permit for a trip from August 29 to September 19. 2017.
  • I bought a food dehydrator.
  • I started whittling away at my pack weight.
  • I made my own lightweight tent.
  • I made my own down quilt.
  • I arranged shuttles and resupplies.
  • I took some hiking trips, to test my gear, and myself.
  • I had a health issue in July, but in early August, I was on the road to recovery!

On August 12, with two weeks left until my departure, things were looking good! I was getting pretty darn excited about my trip. Naturally, that’s when things went sideways…

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